Water scarcity – Increasing energy costs – Waste and pollution in the environment will cost your business more financially and potentially impact on your brand
To survive and thrive, business needs to reboot to a circular, more resilient operating system
We understand that it is difficult to know where to start
We can help
We have assisted many companies to:
⦁ Establish a baseline
⦁ Identify quick wins
⦁ Develop medium to long term targets
⦁ Achieve resource savings and financial gains
Expertise in systems thinking and design for Zero Waste – Low Carbon (Energy) – Water
Through a Step approach:
⦁ Assess
⦁ Develop
⦁ Implement
⦁ Monitor
Complete the contact form for a free pre-assessment to see how we can assist you
⦁ Your business, i.e. size, nature of the business
⦁ Main products/services offered
⦁ Number of locations
⦁ Website / LinkedIn profile
Sally-Anne Käsner
Sally-Anne Käsner is the founder of Circular-Vision. Connect – Collaborate – Create is the vision of the preferred method of working and developing projects. She believes that the best outcomes are achieved when connections are made with clients, project teams and the project itself. Collaborations and partnerships build to provide the ongoing networks to ensure continual improvement. To transition to a circular, regenerative economy, it will be necessary to create an alternative approach to the way business operates.
Sally-Anne is constantly trying to find new ways to change our current linear economy model to be more Cyclical or Circular. Materials management and product design is key to this. Her focus and passion lies within materials management with particular interest in designing waste out of the system.
She has been an environmental consultant since the end of 2003 and her current assignments involve a myriad of projects including, Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Studies, Environmental Auditing, waste characterizations, development and implementation of Environmental Management Systems and the development of Operational Materials Management Plans.
She has just joined Circular-Vision and previously managed the Sustainability Division of the Cape Town Branch of JG Afrika. She is currently the Operations Manager for the EcoStandard (www.ecostandard.co.za), a Non Profit Organisation to provide Eco-Labelling assurance certifications for materials and products. She is also a co-founder of the African Circular Economy Network (www.acen.africa)
Specialties: Resource optimisation and materials management; Waste Minimisation & Cleaner Production studies
Susanne Karcher
After completing Chemical Engineering studies in Germany Susanne Karcher started her company EnviroSense CC (an Environmental Consultancy) in Cape Town in 1999. Her company specialises in the planning, development and facilitation of tailor-made governmental, industrial/commercial and residential “Integrated Resource and Waste Management” programmes. This includes the identification of resource consumption baselines following a triple bottom line evaluation of all relevant social, economic and natural system impacts for the formulation of individual solutions towards waste minimisation and pollution prevention.
An improved environmental performance, financial savings, job creation from waste opportunities and better overall operational efficiency are achieved through lateral system based thinking which is inspired by Circular Economy principles and designs and delivered through systematic RECP application.
Circular Economy related work appointments are (next to ACEN and her involvement as Mentor of the Circular Economy Club) with the World Resources Forum concerning the recent development of ISO IWWA “Guidance Principles for the Sustainable Management
of Secondary Metals”l 1 .
Susanne is also the Chair of the Southern African e-Waste Alliance 2 since 2010 and in this capacity she is part of the ERA Steerco who has developed the WEEE IndWM Plan which is now due to go into consultation phase 3 . She is also appointed to develop the take-back strategy plan for South Africa’s lighting industry sector. As a Provincial member of Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) and in collaboration with her ACEN co-founder colleague Sally Ann-Kasner, Susanne developed a “Circular Economy” inspired seminar under the name “Beyond Waste” which was successfully held earlier this year.
Resource and Waste Minimisation Specialist – EnviroSense CC
Trainer: National Cleaner Production Centre
Chairperson: South African E-waste Alliance
Co-Founder: African Circular Economy Network
Designing out of waste and any other forms of pollution through “lateral systems thinking” aimed at changing and challenging traditional consumption and production efficiencies is what i am passionate about.
⦁ EnviroSense CC specialises in providing tailor-made governmental, industrial/commercial and residential “integrated Resource and Waste Management” programmes.
⦁ The NCPC is South Africa’s official training authority for Resource Efficient & Cleaner Production (RECP)
⦁ SAEWA is committed to develop/contribute to a blueprint for the responsible collection and treatment of all WEEE in Southern Africa.
⦁ ACEN is the voice of Africa in the Global Circular Economy debate.